However last night added something new to the mix -- a stated intent to utterly disregard the Constitution the executive SWORE to uphold and defend, in order to push his own completely unConstitutional agenda.
That is oath-breaking at the very least. It is also "high crimes and misdemeanors" (high being the office, not necessarily the extent of either crime or misdemeanor -- although there are some of us who still believe that oath-breaking is one of the HIGHEST of crimes) and therefore the latest in a LONG series of impeachable offenses.
Congress has no Constitutional choice but to impeach and remove from office this incumbent. To fail to do so is grounds for each of them to be impeached or recalled.
That fully half the attendees CHEERED the stated intent to disregard the "Supreme Law of the Land" that they ALL swore to uphold is disgusting and despicable.