When a person, in my humble opinion, acts on the hatred, they do things that don’t serve the cause and will subject themselves to the very evil they hate. Case in point, Sarah Palin has endorsed a man who IS a liberal merely because he is the loudest in the room about the demise of this nation. “The Donald” does NOT shout his barbaric yawp over the microphones and in front of the TV cameras because he actually wants real reformative conservative change but because it suits his needs. It suits his ambitions. It suits his egotistical craving for notoriety and power. It suits his poll numbers. It suits his lust. By selling out, Mrs. Palin gave in to her hatred and endorsed that for future book sales, maybe a possible appointment in a Trump Administration, and out of malice with a heart filled with bitterness and strife.
I’m a conservative by choice. While I always advocate critical thinking skills in the body politic, I am also a passionate man of deep feelings. I act from a stand point of love of this nation and her people. LESS GOVERNMENT means more freedom. I want more people to be as free as possible in our Constitutional republic because I love people. Same can be said of less taxes which means more money in your pocket, my friends and fellow Americans whom I love. Go down the conservative list from there: life, family values, free market capitalism, a strong national defense, state’s rights, individual liberty, Constitutional law, and American excellence. Each of those cherished conservative values, beliefs and fought for principles is all about love of my fellow man. Not hatred. Therein lies the angst we conservatives have because it takes critical thoughts to achieve critical feelings and the left doesn’t understand this and/or does understand it and USES feelings to paint we conservatives as “haters” when it is they who act from hatred. NOT US!!!! That’s why I buckled the other day because of all people, I surely thought Sarah Palin understood this and she really broke my heart, which hasn’t mended as yet, because she gave in, LIKE A LIBERAL, to her hatred as evidenced by endorsing a man who has no historical record whatsoever of conservatism.
As I was told last night by a man whom has also inspired me, a State Rep who sits on the Republican State Committee with me who I won’t highlight on this post out of respect, but in spite of Mrs. Palin’s hatred and the quite frankly bone-headed acting out of her hatred, I must stay the course and will forever remain an activist in politics.
Please, join me in the fight to reignite the promise of America.