We have been privileged to live in a time without major epidemics (since the 1950's or so). In humanity's past, epidemics and pandemics were a regular occurrence.
It is the duty of civil governance to protect (secure; hold inviolate) the rights of the people (ref: Declaration of Independence - go look it up). The first right is the right to your life. Quarantines are a logical and reasonable power of government in time of epidemic.
Do we need to like it? No. Do we need to watch to make sure the governors are not going overboard? Yes. (Such as Pennsylvania, prohibiting even emergency dental work - a ridiculous over-reach.)
However, it IS the duty of the state to protect all residents. Sometimes that means telling us to stay in our homes as much as possible, for the protection of our most vulnerable.
Chill, guys. Don't buy in to the "fear porn" the #FakeNews media is pushing (including the "it's martial law!" fear porn).
Don't buy in to the "this is oppression!" nonsense, either. The possibility of people dying from lack of ICU beds is real. This is NOT the flu. People with a severe case are not better and out of the ICU in three days - they are there for three weeks.
Do the math yourself. It's not hard. You can easily prove that with only an arithmetic progression (10 cases, new each day) if 3% get badly sick and there are 10 ICU beds, with a 3-day stay the ICU is never full; there is one bed free. However, with a 21-day stay, as of Day FIVE, the ICU is full and people are left to die because there is no treatment available for them. That gets worse for the next three weeks, until at the maximum for the ten beds available in the ICU, 53 are left to die. Daily. Add in exponential progression, and the number left to die is huge. We need to STOP that - by staying home. "Flattening the curve" is REAL and it is NECESSARY.