Can't happen here though, right? I'm just a "crazy and insane rightwing nutjob" for thinking Communists are in our schools, government and media, aren't I? If I were at the port where the Titanic departed for the U.S.A. in England in 1912 and I told people "hey, that ship is capable of sinking, you know, right?" what would have happened to me? Clubbed, bagged, tossed in to the drink and four blokes would have been off to the pub to toss back a few pints giggling at the "crazy and insane nutjob" I was for making such a statement. Who would have had the real hangover?
Capitalism is not perfect. It's flawed. ALL THINGS ARE. That's why the United States Constitution was written in the first place. People...human beings... are flawed, and we make mistakes, become greedy, and become power hungry. Hence the document that ensures three branches of government -- so that no one branch can become more powerful than the other -- created by a compact of the states and people as the final arbiters of THEIR creation. Or, so we thought. I don't believe the Founding Fathers and Framers of the Constitution ever envisioned a spineless Congress, a President who cries "racism" or "war on women" or "evil 1%" whenever a legitimate criticism of administration failures is voiced. I don't believe they envisioned a court system stacked with idealogues and activist judges. I don't believe they envisioned a media system that either blatantly lies, or blatantly omits the truth.
We have automobiles, technology, the very device you are reading this post on, space travel, deep ocean exploration, air planes, medical devices and medicines, and so very much more because of two things: the United States Constitution and free market capitalism. Period. What are the cornerstones of our freedom and our free Constitutional Republic, whereby we elect our neighbors and friends to enact new laws that spring from common sense justice and necessity, or REPEAL unjust laws that spring from CRONYISM, or (even worse) unjust laws that spring from hatred of our way of life and a desire to "fundamentally transform it" into something it's not? (Hmmm; where did I hear that before?)? There are two cornerstones to our freedom and way of life: God and family.
I love this nation. Many have given their lives for it on the battle field. Others have given their lives for it sitting in their office not suspecting a plane would crash into them. Still some more gave their lives or limbs attending a marathon not suspecting those who used their tax dollars would build pressure cooker bombs to pay them back with not a "thank you" but an "allahu akbar" stab in the back. And it's not just we Americans under attack. Israel, Jerusalem, many other western civilizations are also being attacked, murdered, and maligned with smears and falsehoods and it gets even worse (see a DAILY log of world-wide atrocities at ""). Ever see the birth rates of Americans, or Europeans compared to Muslims? YouTube that right now and if your jaw doesn't drop you weren't paying attention. Muslims and Marxists, joined at the hip, and if "crazy, insane, nutjobs" like myself and many millions more are not successful in defeating them then the "evil competition" they engage in will not produce a better product we have all come to rely upon for necessity, and they will not compete in peace for your vote to represent you and your interests in a governing body built by God and family but they will ram you, rip out your sides, and you will find yourself deeply under the same pressure that the Titanic now silently reaps on the bottom of the ocean floor.
I hope and pray I am just a "crazy, insane nutjob." From the bottom of my heart. I really do.