On that night, Sunday, March 21, 2010, as the Democrat Socialists chanted "Yes, We Can", I decided right then and there I would be a political activist for the rest of my natural life. I became heavily involved by first eliminating all vices from my personal life, getting back with Church and God and then studying. I attended Republican City Committee meetings, attended campaign schools, worked on many campaigns, went to lectures and speeches, attended rallies and events, went to Washington DC to march on the Capitol, ran for Republican State Committee and won even after suspending my campaign and thanking God for blessing me with that win. I am currently the Vice President of a Republican Assembly District, and in a few moments I am going to pass in my nomination papers to become a candidate for City Council in my home town.
I am frightened. I have studied, as have many of you. And, we know, what is really happening to our nation. The attempt to dissolve America from within. This is why the Founders added the words "...all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC...." to our sworn oaths of office. I will not let my fear daunt me from performing my duty. And, when I see fellow activists first hand, or read/watch/listen to what all of you on my friends list are doing across the fruited plain, my fear subsides and I focus, I energize, and I take action.
My fellow Americans, my friends, my brothers and sisters in Christ, in God, in love, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU and while we may share some fear and apprehension as the statists try to legislate our demise, or litigate our demise, or seek our demise through the bureaucracies or in the streets with LAME STREAM media aiding and abetting them, all this while we are being divided and side tracked by hyped up superficialities in the "news", know that we have each other, we have the truth, we have God and WE SHALL WIN THE DAY!!! Stay the course.
God bless you all. God bless America.