What Israel faces, ultimately, is the bald face of EVIL.
We MUST be ready and willing to ( a ) admit that EVIL DOES EXIST, ( b ) that evil wishes to DESTROY as many people as possible, ( c ) that first on that list, now and for the last couple thousand years, is the Jewish people (and so, the spread of anti-Semitism is a good thermometer for judging the latest rise of evil), and ( d ) that is in incumbent upon each one of us to actively resist evil - by word, by thought, by deed.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."
So how to recognize evil? As opposed to merely those whose beliefs differ from yours? A few pointers:
#1: Inexorable hatred of Jews and Israel.
#2: Delight in death and destruction as if they were things good in themselves.
#3: In light of #1 and #2 --> a general call to kill and destroy.
#4: A rejection of truth/fact in favor of hysteria and maligning of all other possible viewpoints.
#5: A need to control the actions of individuals in every area of their lives, which control is *always* instituted "for their safety and well-being." In history, this usually starts with general disarmament of at least a segment of the population, and invariably ends in mass graves.
#6: This is an insidious one: a rejection of the notion that evil exists.
Those will do for a start.