Dr. Carson - from what we have all seen of him - is a fine, brilliant, honorable man. But he is NOT a proper candidate for President; he has NO understanding of the Constitutional limitations on government!
Please read his articles, and listen to his interviews. He shows, again and again, that while his heart is in the right place, he does not know WHY the Constitution limits the power and purview of the federal government.
Folks, please just STOP jumping on one bandwagon after another and THINK for a bit. We need to elect people who understand the Constitution -- WHY it was written the way it was, WHY we will ALL be better off without DC's nose in everything we do, why a powerful central government as we have now HURTS THE POOR and PREVENTS them from getting ahead, hurts the environment, prevents access to medical care both physically and financially, and so much more.
Spread the principles of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and find people in your own towns and states who also understand those and who can run for local office.
DC is the very LAST place where we will see change -- because the change has to come from WE, the PEOPLE, first. And our power is most easily demonstrated locally. Change your town; change your county; change your state. THEN we will see change in DC. But not through "drafting" for national office people who don't understand the Constitutional limitations of government.