We have many laws against murder; yet still murder persists - the passing of laws has done nothing to end this crime. Men can be murdered by many means, and mankind has devised ways to commit this crime on the one, the many at once, at close quarters, at a distance, by proxy, in person, with sanctimoniousness, with hatred, with callousness, with greed, with covetousness, with utter disregard, with insanity, with cold logic, with tools, with hands, with refusal to admit the danger presented by the insane, with refusal to admit the right to protect self -- and with weapons ranging from sticks and stones through common household implements and more.
It is neither the TOOL nor the METHOD that is evil; rather it is the desire to murder, and the act itself, that are evil. A thousand machetes and bazookas in the possession of a "Mother Theresa" is a danger to no one, while a strong shoelace (garrote) in the hands of a murderous thug is a danger to everyone in the vicinity.
We are still embroiled in a so-called "debate" about firearms. They are being called "evil" -- when they are merely a tool. They are an incredibly IMPORTANT tool for defense of self, family, society, and country. Without firearm ownership by civilians we would still be subjects of the British throne. We may have had the mainland invaded by Japan during WW2. Countless, countless innocents would be dead at the hands of thugs and evildoers had they not been able to defend themselves.
So WHY the attacks on the legal ownership of firearms? The EVIL purpose of of going after the emotion-laden easy target (pun intended) for purposes antithetical to what is claimed.
"If it saves one child!" is the cry -- yet if saving children were really the intent, we would instead hear calls promoting the training of teachers and administrative staff in legal concealed carry and defensive shooting techniques. Emotion-laden, factually inverse, arguments whose purpose is really to do more evil.
Banning, limiting, and confiscating firearms from the law-abiding is the intention. No law will stop a criminal from obtaining guns -- look at every place where they have imposed harsh rules; gun crime and GENERAL violence increase dramatically. Contrast this with places where firearms ownership is REQUIRED - Switzerland, Kennesaw GA, and others. Not only done gun violence decrease, but violence of ALL kinds decreases.
If we wish to protect our children, we will REQUIRE firearms ownership and training - not seek to ban it.
Always, always, always, history shows us that governments disarm the population in preparation for despotic regimes wishing none to obstruct their nefarious and evil plans.
Think, those who may assume I am calling the current administration despots and tyrants -- would you have wanted these same proposed measures to be instituted by the -previous- administration? I did not think so.
The organization "Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership" has some excellent articles and videos; I recommend them highly. Look for www.jfpo.org, and search on YouTbue for "Innocents Betrayed."