"If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end: if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth - only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin with and, in the end, despair."
(Mere Christianity, Book One, Chapter Five, last paragraph.)
The first step towards fixing the various ills of the world is to find the strength to seek out and FACE the truth. It will hurt - especially if you are not accustomed to looking at truth. With practice, while it never becomes fun, it hurts less and brings a deep-level satisfaction in that regardless of the odds you face, what you are facing is real, not delusion.
The alternative, though, is to be cold-cocked by the consequences of NOT facing truth. That hurts FAR more. Nor can you accustom yourself to that pain, as you cannot see it coming, prepare for it, or brace yourself. It will ALWAYS come at you hard, fast, and inescapable.
Where to find the courage to face truth? As Tolkien said, courage is found in unlikely places. It will be there when you need it.