Please take time to day to remember, and to be thankful for, ALL our veterans. Particularly today’s vets, but remember all our other wars.
Revolutionary War
First and Second Barbary War – against the Barbary Pirates – also the inauguration of the US Marines
War of 1812 (in between the two above)
Mexican-American War (does not include The Alamo; that was part of the fracas surrounding the rebellion of Texas against Mexico and its annexation as part of the US)
Civil War (“War of Northern Aggression” for those from the South)
Spanish-American War and the related Philippine- American War
Boxer Rebellion
World War I
World War II – this was the last legally Congressionally-declared, war; after this naming
Korean War
Vietnam War
Desert Storm
“War on Terror” under various names and in various places – with rules of engagement no one should ever have to fight under.
Remember also those who fought on the home front: the wives (and husbands) who held the family together, never knowing if their spouse would ever return, or in what condition. The children who grew up with only stories of a parent. The parents who put gold stars in their windows for their lost ones. Everyone who stood, or knelt, or sat, or lay prostrate, before a headstone or memorial, public or private… who traced names with fingers, and cried – or held the tears in.
All of this was a price paid, willingly, for YOUR freedom, YOUR life, YOUR liberty. Thank them all, with every fiber of your being, that you are not the subject of a king, theocrat, tyrant, or madman. And thank also the One who has given us the gift of a noble heart, that we have these heroes for whom to be thankful.
I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. –Faramir, warrior of Gondor (JRR Tolkien, The Two Towers)