The link provided at the bottom of this post is to an article printed in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette about the Worcester Tea Party meeting where "George and Poppy Carlton" were being filmed by the BBC last Monday.
The author of the (generally good) article has fallen afoul of the "yellow journalism" trick of sensationalism.
The BBC crew presented itself as engaged in an actual documentary, however the siblings were seemingly too perfect for their roles -- and their names were withheld until that evening, that no one could research them beforehand. While later searches did find them (see comments section) and bore out their background story, either upper-crust British stereotypes really are true, these two got some very careful pre-filming coaching, or both.
The trick in the article was to quote out of context a long series of exchanges, presenting the final sentence as a jarring and extreme step. Poppy pushed very hard, for several questions (interestingly enough for someone who later said several times she had "never heard of" the US Constitution), on whether or not I personally "like" Mr. Obama. I hold no opinion on "liking" him; I have never met him (and I pointed out that many who intensely disliked GW Bush's policies said he was very personable and likable face-to-face). On Mr. Obama's policies and his single-minded determination to "fundamentally transform" this country into a socialist dystopia, I do hold strong opinions. It is also demonstrably TRUE that his actions include severely breaking the oath he swore to "preserve, protect, and defend the CONSTITUTION of the United States from ALL enemies, foreign and domestic." Additionally, it is demonstrably true that he has given aid, arms, comfort, and succor to those who are self-avowed sworn enemies of this country ("Fast and Furious" arming enemy drug lords in Mexico, illicit gun-running to various Al Qaeda-linked groups in the Middle East, a hard-pushed plan to aid Syrian rebels who ARE Al Qaeda, support for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and elsewhere, aid to Libyan rebels... the list goes on and on). "Treason" is defined in the Constitution in Article III, Section 3, and Clause 1: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." Go read it for yourself.
The interchange with Poppy took several iterations where I spoke specifically about principles and policies, currently being actively implemented, which are antithetical to the Constitution and to the principles upon which this country was founded. I also spoke about the multi-decade long degradation in pursuit of a "progressive" agenda (by BOTH parties) - which is actually the Fabian Socialist agenda (and a nastier group of statists, racists, and eugenicists you will have to look long and hard to find). The author chose to grab merely the last sentence of a long, carefully built case, for the sake of making one who supports the Rule of Law and the Supreme Law of *this* Land look like an extremist. Extremists exist; they are the ones currently at work "transforming" this country. I am not of their number.
I am disappointed that my old home town newspaper has fallen so low as to stoop to crass sensationalism. However, I do applaud Mr. Foskett for his decision to use Jim Wallace's (of GOAL) very best quote from the evening. We are indeed the only state that licenses a spice. How ludicrous!