"I want to point out again that evil is never satisfied with mere toleration. Evil demands first toleration, then ratification, then celebration, then co-participation. That’s the progression. "
Think about it. She is absolutely correct in this.
Quote from Ann Barnhardt:
"I want to point out again that evil is never satisfied with mere toleration. Evil demands first toleration, then ratification, then celebration, then co-participation. That’s the progression. " Think about it. She is absolutely correct in this.
From C. S. Lewis:
"If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end: if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth - only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin with and, in the end, despair." (Mere Christianity, Book One, Chapter Five, last paragraph.) The first step towards fixing the various ills of the world is to find the strength to seek out and FACE the truth. It will hurt - especially if you are not accustomed to looking at truth. With practice, while it never becomes fun, it hurts less and brings a deep-level satisfaction in that regardless of the odds you face, what you are facing is real, not delusion. The alternative, though, is to be cold-cocked by the consequences of NOT facing truth. That hurts FAR more. Nor can you accustom yourself to that pain, as you cannot see it coming, prepare for it, or brace yourself. It will ALWAYS come at you hard, fast, and inescapable. Where to find the courage to face truth? As Tolkien said, courage is found in unlikely places. It will be there when you need it. Happy Constitution Day!
In the week that includes this day, September 17th, both federal law and laws in all 50 states REQUIRE that the US Constitution be taught in the public schools. Most schools ignore this requirement. When it is brought to their attention, many school actively FIGHT complying. (We can reserve for another time a discussion as to whether the federal government has the power to require this teaching -- but certainly the states do, in their publicly-funded schools.) Be sure that YOUR children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, neighbor's children, Scouts, et cetera, get this information. There are excellent online resources and the As A Mom group has a special resources page located at this link: Read It Save It. Spreading understanding of our Constitution is crucial: without the underpinning of the principles in the Declaration of Independence, and knowledge of how those principles were turned into civil governance BY the Constitution, all the political activity taking place can and will be twisted by those antithetical to freedom. But we have to start earlier than politics, and even earlier than understanding the Constitution and the LIMITED federal government it created. We have to start with ourselves. I have been watching the lead-up to the big vote (tomorrow!) in Scotland whether to stay as part of the UK or to break free. These descendants of William Wallace, who risked everything for freedom -- how will they vote? For the freedom their forebears died to obtain? Or will they remain with the UK? Despite all the rhetoric going on, a crucial point no one will speak about openly is the British welfare system. So many people in the UK live "on the dole" in one way or another -- and Scotland has always been more short of cash than the southern reaches of the island. I see the potential for a vote-by-pocketbook, where a majority of the population votes to ensure that the "free" money streaming up from the richer cities of England keeps coming. A song by the Proclaimers cries, "I can't understand why we let someone else rule our land, cap in hand." The answer is: handouts. Good luck to the Scots; whichever way they decide tomorrow there will be rancor and repercussions. So why the segue into Scottish politics? Because the same forces are at work here. We have forgotten our Constitution. We have forgotten WHY the federal government was to be SEVERELY restricted and limited in scope. People assume government is supposed to control every aspect of their lives - and most want it so, either for their own benefit or to control others (always, of course, for "their own good" - which always leads to great evil, as I have posted before). We have also lost civility - the ability to live together under rules of common politeness and with respect for others' wishes to live their own lives in peace. We are no longer "permitted" (i.e., we allow the severely offensive rules of "political correctness" to self-censor for fear of excoriation by thoughtless, hate-filled -- but LOUD -- people who seek control of public discourse) to hold or speak any but MSM-approved drivel-opinions without enduring censure and name-calling. We have lost respect for EVERYONE - all thugs are seen as helpless victims, reacting to the terrible (and white-patriarchy-caused) circumstances of their lives, unable to choose (because the left's "sympathy" for the poor is based on deep-seated, deeply-hidden hatred and disgust for them) to act differently. Because (the underlying assumption is) they are all eternal children who cannot grow up and can never be responsible for their own choices. Anyone wishing to protect themselves from thuggery is called hate-filled. None of that is true. What HAS happened is loss of understanding of those principles in the Declaration of Independence. Those principles - that all are EQUAL (in the eyes of the law, in inherent rights, and as beloved children of God), and have the right to live their own LIFE (and protect that life - else you have NO "right" to your life) in LIBERTY (free from interference by government except in matters where you infringe the rights of others by crimes), and to pursue "happiness" - which is the Platonic Ideal of excellence in your own fields of endeavor. It's ALL there, in the Declaration and the Constitution -- waiting for us to rediscover it. So that ALL people in this nation can make their lives examples of the triumph of their individual human spirits. I will end this post with two notes from the renowned expert and scholar on the US Constitution, Publius Huldah. They are on the "Ask Questions" page of her web site (linked below) - but there are no direct links to individual responses, so you will have to dig a bit to see them in their native habitat. All emphases are in the originals. Link to Publius Huldah's "Ask Questions" page. From Publius Huldah's Ask Questions on September 15th (two days ago), in response to a post by "Jim": "The Bible? What’s that? The Constitution? Are you serious? Don’t you know the supreme Court decides what it means? The above is what most people believe. It’s a lie – but they believe it. Alexander Hamilton told us long ago that when federal judges usurp powers, the remedy is IMPEACHMENT! Federalist Paper No. 81 (8th para). Members of Congress are never impeached: They may be expelled by their respective Houses. Art. I, Sec. 5, cl. 2 But Jim – the problem is not the judges or the people in Congress. The problem is WE THE PEOPLE who are so ignorant and morally blind that we elect the people in Congress, we elect the President who appoints the federal judges, and we elect the US Senators who confirm them. Our Framers said over & over that our system depends on the American People having the virtue and intelligence to elect men of virtue and intelligence to office." and Jim's response: "The Bible and Constitution? Therein lies the problem. It is true that the People are no longer even familiar with the Bible or the Constitution. With the Bible being removed from the schools, which previously was encouraged and contains our voting instructions, Exodus 18:21, if it were taught. The Constitution not being taught let alone our History, even common civics, the fundamental functions and operations of our local governments are not even taught, nor is there a desire to learn or be a part of. Our schools fail us on intelligence, delivering diplomas instead of knowledge. Our Churches fail us on virtues with their fear of being holy. And both fail us in wisdom? I fear our fate with this ignorance and apathy among the populace." And me, so you needn't go look up the verse referred to in the text: Exodus 18:21 (NASB) "Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties and of tens. And more from her commentary, just yesterday, in response to "Spence" in a discussion of the (truly insidiously evil) proposal for a Convention of the States (COS): "I know, Son. That is one of the things which is so infuriating about the COS conspirators. They actually have grass roots people believing that a convention is how THE STATES will rein in the feds. BUT THE STATES HAVE BEEN TOTALLY COMPLICIT IN THE TRANSFER OF OUR RESERVED POWERS TO THE FEDS. The morally blind & profoundly ignorant American People elected everyone in Washington DC – or they were appointed or hired by someone whom the American People elected. Same for our corrupt State governments. Some of the brain dead people who have jumped on the convention bandwagon actually think they will elect the delegates. Of course they won’t – but even if they did, they would just elect more corrupt people to be delegates. We are drowning in a sea of Ignorance, moral corruption, and Lies. This is not a good time to put our Constitution on the chopping block." On this Constitution Day, 2014, may we all re-dedicate ourselves to learning our Founding Principles. And may God have mercy on us all and aid us in our efforts to restore the Constitution and the nation that He inspired. Dedicated to those who do not want to sully themselves with politics and political topics. I used to be one of you, until I learned this.
"If you don't do politics, politics will continue to do you." --Adam Kokesh, Political Activist, Former Marine, AdamVsTheMan.com Personal liberty boils down to two things:
*Don't hurt me. *Don't take MY stuff. Those apply equally to other people, and to GOVERNMENT. As a society, we have civil law to prosecute individuals who violate either of the two items above. As citizens, it is our duty (in this country, where the government works for us) to rein in the government when it steps out of its prescribed bounds. For those prescribed bounds, see the US Constitution. States have other additional duties and powers. The federal government was set up to deal with international issues like defense and immigration; society-wide standards like currency, patents, and protection of contracts; and with individuals ONLY for bankruptcy and counterfeiting the currency. EVERYTHING ELSE was to be left to the people or the states. See how far from that we have been pushed, and you see the magnitude of the work we must do to fix this. As for the ubiquitous objection, "What about the poor and the sick?" -- those are very specifically areas NOT given to the federal government. They were left for the PEOPLE and the STATES. If people will not help, that is a problem of morals and ethics - to be solved with moral and ethical instruction by families and churches, primarily. Morality and ethics CAN NOT be legislated. Attempting to do so is counter-productive; worse than useless. Yet again, Israel is facing attacks from those who wish to kill every Jew in the world. The attackers are supported (at least in intent; many would never "dirty" themselves by action) by "intellectuals" who claim that Israel is a terrorist state. That is factually upside down. Dennis Prager has an excellent short video on the Middle East "problem" on YouTube; go watch it. Is Israel a "perfect" country? Of course not. Measured against the countries that surround it, however, it is a paragon of virtue and respect for human rights and human lives.
What Israel faces, ultimately, is the bald face of EVIL. We MUST be ready and willing to ( a ) admit that EVIL DOES EXIST, ( b ) that evil wishes to DESTROY as many people as possible, ( c ) that first on that list, now and for the last couple thousand years, is the Jewish people (and so, the spread of anti-Semitism is a good thermometer for judging the latest rise of evil), and ( d ) that is in incumbent upon each one of us to actively resist evil - by word, by thought, by deed. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." So how to recognize evil? As opposed to merely those whose beliefs differ from yours? A few pointers: #1: Inexorable hatred of Jews and Israel. #2: Delight in death and destruction as if they were things good in themselves. #3: In light of #1 and #2 --> a general call to kill and destroy. #4: A rejection of truth/fact in favor of hysteria and maligning of all other possible viewpoints. #5: A need to control the actions of individuals in every area of their lives, which control is *always* instituted "for their safety and well-being." In history, this usually starts with general disarmament of at least a segment of the population, and invariably ends in mass graves. #6: This is an insidious one: a rejection of the notion that evil exists. Those will do for a start. I was going to write up a nice entry for today - and then found this. It's perfect, so instead I will just send you to this post at Fellowship of the Minds. In three parts - all excellent, all different.
_Fellowship of the Minds - Independence Day Some of you may recall that late last fall one of my talks on the US Constitution was filmed, in Worcester MA, by the BBC for a new "reality" show they were doing.
That show, "Almost Royal," will be airing this summer. Info on the show is available at the link below. Absolutely unknown at this time is whether or not anything from the Worcester talk has been included in the final edits, and whether there has been an attempt to accurately portray (within the limits of a fictional, comedic, show) the talk and the Worcester Tea Party group that hosted it -- or if they decided to go in the direction of cheap, stupid, out-of-context, let's make these colonials look like racist scum. Time will tell. http://www.bbcamerica.com/almost-royal/ No idea if I made the final cut, but I was one of the people interviewed for this movie.
The debut is in May, and after the Tax Day Rally in Boston this will go on the "Events" page as well. Watch the trailer and get more info at the link below. http://www.intolerable.us/ Another example of the perversions (twisting out of something's natural shape) that are inevitable when decisions are based on precedent and case law, instead of Original Intent.
Corporations are NOT people, nor are they entitled to the Natural Rights of humans. They are created entities, given, BY STATUTE, privileges equivalent to SOME of the inherent, unalienable, RIGHTS of NATURAL people, for the specific purposes of allowing them to own property, pay taxes, and to be sued should they cause harm. Earlier SCOTUS decisions (over the course of decades) attributing more and more of the characteristics of natural persons TO corporations, are based on a perverted reading of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. While there should be no legal limit to the amount natural, flesh-and-blood, individual HUMAN persons can donate to political causes, there is ABSOLUTELY NO CONSTITUTIONAL JUSTIFICATION for ONE PENNY to be donated by the artificial creations called "corporations" -- or PAC's, or (most especially) UNION's, either. As for those who claim that corporations (or unions) are "merely" assemblages of natural persons -- no. Not in this circumstance. Any of those natural persons who are associated with a corporation may surely give their OWN money -- but your assertion tacitly implies full consent and agreement of EVERY employee, director, and customer. |
AuthorAmateur (in the original meaning) Constitutional scholar and Libertarian. Archives
April 2020